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Trial of the Century?

Could we really be on the verge of truthful disclosure, could the Western media and our legal and political classes be forced to confront the truth? However unlikely this might seem, there is a small glimmer of hope, the tiniest possibility, that we in the Western Hemisphere, will find out what being a Muslim really means. I say in the West, because most of the world knows only too well what Islam really means, especially where it has been a significant presence for more than the five minutes of time that measures our modern attention span. So what is this potentially seismic event? Well, a Jordanian imam has had an arrest warrant issued in Canada for Hate speech, and the words he used appear to have been direct quotations of his prophet, Muhamed. This could be the most significant ideological examination since the Monkey Trial of 1925 , when the teaching, or not, of Evolution was taken to court, and although it was always an intellectual show trial which did little to change...

Jim Gardiner

It seems that the British Justice system is continuing to over reach it's prerogative in dealing with British citizens. A recent case, which on first viewing, seems rather silly and an unnecessary waste of police and court's time, on further scrutiny, looks like an absolute and nonsensical  miscarriage of justice . It concerns a British burger vendor , who, in conversation with a customer, stated that there was a problem with muslim "no-go" zones in Manchester, at which point the customer, a Mr. Palmer, denounced the claim as an urban myth. The vendor (Mr. Gardiner) promptly produced evidence supporting his statement which the customer refused to read, preferring to remain in ignorance of the facts. The vendor was understandably upset that his truthful and heartfelt assertions had been slighted by someone who refused to examine the facts that he had helpfully prepared. He then refused to serve the customer who reported him to the police. So far so good. A co...

Why Chelsey?

In all the cases involving rape gangs here in the UK, the victim's right to anonymity has meant that we had only statistics to help us understand what was happening. Although the statistics are appalling, for example in Rotherham, a town of some 110,000 inhabitants, over 1400 children and young girls were groomed and sexually abused and exploited between 1997-2013. Most of the girls were aged 11-15 and at least one, Laura Wilson, was murdered . So we finally have a name and a face, unfortunately, she has become another, even more tragic, statistic. There are many more towns, with many more statistics to peruse  but we also now have a victim brave enough to forgo anonymity and tell us her story. Chelsey Wright is not a child victim and was not groomed for abuse nor had knowledge of, or relationship with any of her attackers, but the rest is predictably similar: a gang of muslim men ready to rape and assault at their first opportunity. There is another uncomfortably familiar...

John Alabi

A recent case in Canada highlights the growing subversion of Western Legal systems, where every opportunity taken to use our laws against the interests of the population and State. The case was brought to my attention at JihadWatch , and involves an Ontario landlord who was taken to court accused of discrimination under the Human Rights Code for refusing to take off his shoes in his tenant's apartment. On the surface, this is quite a simple, and easily resolved case, requiring a reprimand and possibly a small fine and agreement to behave differently in future (although even this may be inappropriate, as Mr Alabi had already acquiesced to their demands, see below). It is, after all, perfectly reasonable, if not usual, for people to ask visitors to remove outdoor shoes when entering their living space, and over the years I personally have, on several occasions, complied with such requests. What is different here, is that a simple landlord/tenant dispute is being used to set ...

Eid 2013: Somali rape gang

It may seem odd to begin a blog named after Chelsey Wright, with a story about an apparently unrelated, albeit similar attack, in another part of the country, but this was the one that first alerted me to the depth of our decline as a law abiding nation. There are many disturbing aspects of this case : The reaction of the defendants The reaction of the defendant's families  The religious context The media coverage The prosecution It was this last point that really bothered me, and still does, because the case was widely reported as a young girl who went willingly to meet a man she did not know, and then 'accompanied' him to meet a larger group of men she also did not know, in a hotel where she otherwise had no business to be.  The circumstances were set and the 'victim' seemed anything but an innocent party to the events that followed.  But after their conviction, the girl released a statement detailing how she had been corralled by the men and fo...